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Old 09-01-2013, 05:38 PM   #7
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Re: 66 shorty step Easy project....what was I thinking?

Good to see you have graduated from Thread Surfer to Project Builder, and what a project you have there !!!

Too bad about the engine being a 305....although they were a fine motor, IMO they just did not did not have the HP to weight ratio to make them worth the time and effort to build up.

Despite your limitations, you seem to be doing very well at this.
If you have not read through Markb's thread, I highly recommend it for ideas on how to better utilize lifting tools you already have to achieve steps you would normally need 2 people for. He is a well seasoned veteran of this sort of thing !!

Good Luck on this, I hope you are in for the pound, since you already laid out the penny !!
Michael McMurphy

My 66 Stepside
My 64 Tow Truck
My 66 Tempest

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