Thread: SBC discussion
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Old 09-02-2013, 01:41 AM   #16
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Re: SBC discussion

You can't go wrong with a 350. Whether it be a crate engine or built from an old, junkyard, block. There's parts out there everywhere, aftermarket or original GM. 350 blocks are a dime-a-dozen. I've seen an S10 run the quarter in the mid 10s with a 355, 1.94 valves and a dual plane intake, and it was streetable. I'm not knockin' 283s, 327s and 383s, I'm just saying, 350 parts are everywhere. Someone once told me, dollar for dollar, the Chevy 350 is, hands down, the best V8 on the market. Personally, I prefer an L6, but I'm old school and I like to be different.

FYI, I have a whole barn full of old 350s, 400s 402s, 427s and 454s I might be willing to part with for the right price...
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