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Old 09-02-2013, 11:23 AM   #4
Marv D
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Re: How to make a 1050 Dom list 8896 streetable

OK, Ive got one Patrick set up for street for me, but it's a bastardized deal. I'm no expert but.. let me ask a few questions
Is the 8896 a soft (progressive) linkage? If not I think you will have nothing but headaches.

Is the primary set up with a power valve?

I'm looking for my holley listing and will be able to tell you what the factory jetting was. That's always a good starting point

Both the 8896 and 8896-1 was jetted square with 88's front and rear.

I think the primary metering block is set up so you can use a power valve in the front. I'd sure try that will let you drop the primary down 8 jet sizes or so and maybe be a bit more streetable.
Hope that helps
Still playin with trucks, even at my age!

When you're dead, it's only a problem for the people around you, because you don't know you're dead.
.....It's kinda the same when your STUPID.

I just did my taxes and reviewed my SS statement. Thanks to the current administration it looks like I will only have to work till noon on the day of my funeral.

Last edited by Marv D; 09-02-2013 at 11:39 AM.
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