First up waiting for accomplishments to begin posting isn’t cheating, but it’s not best practice either. Members here love photos and certainly “before” photos, even if the truck starts out as nothing but a pile of parts. And taking lots of before pictures should be a high priority especially if this is your first project. Most of us have experienced “builder’s remorse” at some point when there are tons of progress and/or completion photos, but nothing showing what it looked like in the beginning.
So I’ll look forward to the start of your build thread right away!
And any progress is progress. Some guys build entire trucks in a matter or weeks or months, while others chip away over years to get theirs done. I like reviewing build updates on a daily basis whether the input is huge or tiny. Even at 65 I seek to learn something new every day, and frequently do. And there’s so much to see I can’t keep up with it all, or I get caught up with my own stuff and miss out on what’s going on. So no update is too small to post. If someone isn’t interested they don’t have to read it! Other’s probably will.
And I’ll say it again here - kudos for persevering the reality of habitual pain, where just enduring can be a notable milestone. In my youth I adopted Marine Corps doctrine that if an ordinary person can accomplish everything with infinite resources, Marines can accomplish even more with absolutely nothing. It’s just going to be more difficult, probably take longer, and is likely to involve pain at some point.
I’ve never accepted that nearly everything I attempt is impossible, it’s just going to be more difficult . . . . .