Originally Posted by LostMy65
Your grandma looks great.
It's great you honor her.
Grandparents deserve all the honor we can give them.
Posted via Mobile Device
Thanks! We've been having a big party for her since she turned 90. It tends to end up being like a second family reunion each year. My aunt (her youngest daughter) passed away in January, & she had always lived at home with my grandma. We were worried she might not make it to 100 after that, but she's holding strong thus far.
Originally Posted by Jeff La
Congrats on Grandma making 100, imagine what she has experienced in those years. Cherish the time you have with her. I can't imagine me and my wife making it to 100yo (we're the same age) she'd probably kill me before then. LOL
Thanks! I hear ya!

It amazes me to think that she never learned to drive. I guess that has limited her experiences somewhat, but I agree that it's hard to imagine everything she's experienced over 100 years.