Originally Posted by kaphillips
Hey Mel will you call me Ken Phillips Ph # 806-236-4375 to discuss this topic on what all my options are, or pm me with your phone number if you don't mind me calling You. You obviously are the guru on an a50 bucket seat floor pan. Thanks
Originally Posted by DeadheadNM
No brace difference between high or low IIRC...
Originally Posted by kaphillips
I realize the support brace itself is the same but my question to Mel was his complete one piece a50 floor pan rocker to rocker a high or low floor.
Ken, yes that fwd bucket brace is the same on both the low & tall tunnel floor pans as it sits just behind that area of the floor pan. Did an inventory earlier today and we currently have three of these OE bucket seat floor pans removed from pickups, we need one of them for one of our own future projects which would leave two available. One of the two was removed from a 70 BBC 402/TH400 truck so its a tall tunnel and the second one was removed from a 72 SB 350/350 truck and its a low tunnel. I got some pictures of the 70 bucket seat floor pan earlier today and also figured out a couple of shipping options for you, stand by as I am resizing the pics for posting now. Also if needed, I can be contacted using the below info. Mel