Thread: Soda blasting
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Old 09-06-2013, 07:20 AM   #5
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Re: Soda blasting

Originally Posted by lasher78 View Post
well i just bought one just like one in video from HF and bought the valve set up that converts it to soda i have a 5gal compressor and was told it would work fine can even be operated on a little bit smaller one but i dont know about that. dont think i wouldd try it on a smaller one. i am foing to try it out one of these weekends on a set of old rallies. said can use playsand just make sure to dry it out good like put it on trap and spread out untill dry then run it thru sifter to get out big chunks of junk. that is what i am going to try first, the soda is 39.99 for a 50lb bag.
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DO NOT use play sand or any SAND for blasting. You will get silica in your lungs and silicosis CAN and WILL kill you. It is not safe. There are other products that can be used for blasting that are safer. Yes, people still use sand to blast but they have a full respirator with fresh air that completely isolates their lungs from the silica dust.

I doubt very much that a 5 gallon compressor will be enough to run a soda blaster unless the project is very very small. My 20 gallon will only allow me to run my pressure pot blaster about 1 minute before I need to stop and let it catch up. Most media blasters will require upwards of 10 - 15 cfm at 90 psi.

I use Black Diamond 80 grit from Tractor Supply Co. The 50# bag is only $9.
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