Originally Posted by gofastnut
I've got a "home made" soda blaster. It's one of those $20 stick the tube in a bucket type blasters that I use with a big box of regualr baking soda. It works great for taking paint of slowly and gently, light debris, but no rust.
Yes, it does leave a coating that a quick water wash off will take care of, then you're done!
I've done some small jobs with silica sand a few years back....saving up for a blast cabinet(and real blast media). Or, a really good respirator. The thought of cancer again doesn't thrill me....
Since Baking Soda is a base, plain water will not neutralize it as well as a weak acid like vinegar. I read it somewhere, but have not tried the following tip. After soda blasting, rinse with water and then another rinse with 50/50 vinegar/water followed by a final water rinse. That should neutralize the base properties of any remaining soda residue. If you spray an etching primer on soda blasted metal without first completely neutralizing the soda, then the acid properties of the primer will be neutralized and the primer will not adhere properly.