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Old 09-06-2013, 05:45 PM   #4
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Re: Making an s-10 transmission work?

Originally Posted by Improbcat View Post
Ouch, that adaptor is more than I;'d be paying for the trans. I'm not in a hurry to swap so I guess I'll pass. I'll probably do it down the line, but not right now.

If anyone in the RI area wants a trans cheap, this is the ad I was looking at. Don't know anything more about it as I didn't call him or look at it.
That trans is worth $100 if the gears are good. I sold a nice 1993 WC T5 with the 0.72 5th gear and 90K miles for $350. So I think $100 for that one is very reasonable as long as the gears are good. Chances are it needs a rebuild.

Yes, you could cut the input shaft a bit shorter and have the splines professionally machined so it would not need an adapter plate. Not sure that it would be cheaper that way, but I've read that is another way to go. However, if the T5 ever had internal damage and became unusable, then at least you would have an adapter plate that you could sell and recoup some of the initial cost.
My 65 C10 build:

Want to know more about T5 transmissions? My website has a T5 Info Page and a Step by Step T5 rebuild.
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