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Old 09-07-2013, 10:30 PM   #17
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Re: A/C and Entropy Fans

Hi Buck, been reading some of the electric fan issues and would like to pass some past gm history along about electric fans. In the 80's i remember gm or possibly mopar had problems with overheating on front wheel drive electric fan applications. What would happen with a fan on the engine side (a pulling fan) is at about 30 mph and faster it would overheat. This was caused by a stagnant wall of air at the radiator, the end result of a fan not being able to pull the air in as fast as the air was coming through the radiator. I'm not sure of the fix, possible shroud change with shutters that would open up as needed on their own, but not sure. I just remember the situation. This could possibly not be a problem with a pushing fan on the outside of the radiator/condenser. Good luck, Brian F.
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