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Old 09-09-2013, 12:15 AM   #45
In The Ten Ring
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Re: Parting out Jeremiah's 1969 Chevy 3/4 ton 396 truck SUPER NICE PARTS!

I'd like to get that engine (calling it a "motor" is the norm but it's kiling me guys! LOL) but I've got to check with the bank tomorrow to pull that out of savings. I am going there in the morning for sure!

Jenn, I'll pass on the doors then....when you guys get in a set of '71 or '72, I'll be a player. Surely it's cheaper to get a new door than to hire a welder.

There are I think, these "brackets" that mount the grill to the fenders. (They are roughly "C" shaped.) Could I get those? I am sure mine are as rusty as the passenger fender they are mounted to (well on that side at least).

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