Originally Posted by Anti-Ricer
What's the single best mod you done to your 60-66 daily driver to make it more DD friendly?
What are some tools,parts or other things you carry in your Daily driver T5 classic truck just incase something happens?
What is your favorite thing about driving a classic vehicle as your daily driver?
What's your least favorite part about driving a old vehicle as your daily driver?
What is the longest you drove your DD classic truck?
If you had the money/time what is one thing you would change about driving your classic truck?
Posted via Mobile Device
1. HEI ignition (Weber DGEV is #2 since it wouldn't work to the level it does w/o the HEI in my opinion.)
2. Basic tool kit, spare thermostat houseing and gasket, gasket goo, electrical tape (on long trips I carry the timing light and tach/dwell meter since no shop on the road has one or knows how to use it anymore)
3. Getting 19.4 mpg on a 49 year old truck, and the looks.
4. Noisy 3 speed peanut trans, soon to be replaced by quiet T5 overdrive trans.
5. 400 miles round trip....
6. The noisy 3 speed peanut transmission.