Thread: Daily Driver
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Old 09-09-2013, 06:32 PM   #7
1965 Chevy C10, 2005 4.8L/4l60
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Re: Daily Driver

Originally Posted by Anti-Ricer View Post
What's the single best mod you done to your 60-66 daily driver to make it more DD friendly?

What are some tools,parts or other things you carry in your Daily driver T5 classic truck just incase something happens?

What is your favorite thing about driving a classic vehicle as your daily driver?

What's your least favorite part about driving a old vehicle as your daily driver?

What is the longest you drove your DD classic truck?

If you had the money/time what is one thing you would change about driving your classic truck?
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Best mod was the 4.8\4l60e I put in the truck...19.5 mpg and 70mph

I only take a jack and fiz-a-flat, oh and my cell "just in case"

Ill agree with the thumbs up from the "cool kids" in their McCruisers

least? I guess parking around all those McCruisers since they dont care about my vehicle, I park way out and it never fails some jerk has to park right next to my truck...grrr!

I drove it about 320 miles round trip last spring.

nothing, maybe paint her again, like a frame off type of paint.

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