Originally Posted by Armo67
After looking at the image that Fritz posted, it looked a little different than the one in my C30 so I cleaned up mine the best I could for a pic. More of the lettering is there than I thought, there was just a lot of dirt and grease on it. It doesn't look like the fuse I'm asking about is labeled PNL at all. but labeled LTS, it was just so covered with junk I couldn't see it. posted a pic below.
What exactly does the PNL go to, and should something be plugged into it? (Out of curiosity)
I'm assuming LTS stands for lights, as that is the abbreviation for them, but not sure which ones. perhaps the gauge lights? since those are not working.
I've been trying to search the site for a breakdown of the fuse box and what it all goes to and does. haven't found one yet, but still looking.

You need to get a factory assembly manual. It covers 1967 through 1972 C, K, blazer and all flavors of GMC.
My 67 C-10 has a different fuse panel than your K. Attached is the diagram that goes with your panel. The fuse you say is marked "PNL" is actually marked "PNL LTS" or Panel Lights. Since the panel is removable, the pigtail supplying power to the panel lights is plugged into your panel in the spot adjacent to that fuse. See the attached diagram from the factory manual.