This truck sits too high in the back and has too much rebound, even though I removed the huge quarter elliptic helpers.

So the next step was to remove the other helper springs... the ones that are wrapped around the shock absorbers.

I have no idea how old these are but they still work!
I have a set of stock TJ springs but I didn't want it that low or soft.
I also have a set of like new rear springs from a newer model Wrangler Rubicon 4 door. These springs provide about 1 1/2 inches of lift on a non-Rubicon 2 door. I know because I swapped them for a friend last weekend. I also have his 2 door stockers.

Stock TJ, 4 door Rubicon, stock springs
The pig tail end of the 4 door springs are too tight and the other too loose. That is easily remedied with a torch but for now I wanna see how they work...

Roughly 3 inches
I drove it around the block with stock springs and no shocks and with the Jeep springs and no shocks. It was much softer and still didn't bottom too easily, which is ideal.
Next I dug into my box of shocks...

I used to have so many I had to wire them compressed, but not any more...
The KYBs looked about the right length. They might be a little shorter than ideal but I know they are pretty firm so they should be fine.

Please excuse the crappy night pic...
Next is the front end. I doubt I'm going 3 in the front. It sits close to level now so maybe 1-1½"?
Hopefully tomorrow...
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