On they way to work today, I focused on what is weird about the way this Tank Steers...
Here is the issue in a nutshell:
Usually a vehicle "centers" itself, meaning that when you let go of the steering wheel, the vehicle's front wheels return to pointing "straight ahead".
This means that as you drive down the road and the road bends slightly left you steer a bit left, then as the road straightens, you essentially let go of the wheel, and it should start tracking straight again.
Mine does that when going LEFT, but when turning slightly RIGHT it seems to *stick* a little bit, and you have to then steer it LEFT back to center. Which FEELS weird!
So let's look at the suspension....
Passenger Sway bar hanger:
Driver side Sway bar hanger:
Passenger Gear:
Hrm... Following the sway back nest to the spring does not look right. I did not see that while taking the pics!
Driver Gear:
So the only thing I see out of place is that bent Hanger on the Passenger side. That and some of the bushing material is coming out on the driver side.
PS I did inspect where the steering assembly mounts to the frame but did not see any cracks in it.
I can get some better pics of that too.