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Old 09-12-2013, 12:45 PM   #1
Blue Ox
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Dewitt, MI
Posts: 20
1960 4x4 Wheel Fitment?

Hello All,

I'm new here... Just recently bought my great uncle's 1960 GMC 4x4. Expect to see a lot of questions from me in the future... and, hopefully as I learn about these bad boys, I'll be able to answer some as well.

For now I'm wondering about new wheel fitment. The short version is that I'm looking to put new wheels on the beast. I'm looking at a set of 16" x 7" rims with a 4" back space. Does anybody have any experience or insight on whether this back space will clear the stock front suspension?

The longer version is this... The truck currently has the old 3-piece split rims (7.5 x 17 tire size). I'm planning to keep the original wheels and restore them, but will need something easily serviceable to drive the truck home. The current tires are a bit dry-rotted and I don't want to drive any great distances on them.

The truck is currently in Montana... I live in Michigan. So... It's a long drive to get the thing home, and I can't exactly run out there with a tape measure and check sizes and clearances.

I'm planning to make a trip out to MT as early as I can in the spring, and would like to have new wheels and tires ordered and waiting for me when I get there... But I would like to be reasonably sure that what I order will actually fit on the truck before I make any purchases.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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