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Old 09-15-2013, 09:36 PM   #1
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1995 chevy 350 in 1985. Head question

Hey guys..just a question. When I first bought the 86 I was aware that the engine had a later model engine in it. I looked at the casting numbers on the back of he block and its a 350. It had the "5.7"l stamp. Instead of the 010 number. From what I'm told it is from a 95. I'm aware that these engines didn't have the vortecs but the swirlport heads. I don't mind the heads as I use it as a driver and cruiser. But ik looking at possible intake manifold swaps and seen there are several types of intakes for the different heads. Is there any way I can pull a code or stamp from the heads to figure out what they are? Cast or aluminim and what type?
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