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Old 09-16-2013, 09:21 PM   #51
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Re: Welcome Home, Gentleman Jim

Izzy! Man everyone is happy when you show up! Don't worry.
It's the people who tow out of ditches the WRONG way that these guys were talking 'bout!

The 'Gent was only made one year (1975) and it seems that there were only about 1000 of them made. Rare, yes. Valuable? maybe not that much?

Beau James, I believe came after the 'Gent, and they made a LOT more of them (four times). similar idea.
I can't tell if they are awesome classics or oddball wonders!

Here's what I have found out:
What is a Gentleman Jim?

Essentially it was a marketing idea to present GMC trucks as more luxurious
than a "farm truck".

From brouchers I have read the Beau James (similar promotion package) came after '75
and had production of 4000 units. Not verified that though.

* Promotional Package RPO
* 1975 Only
* Standard Options looked like this:
* Black Paint with gold inserts
* Gold Cab top
* Gold Grill insert
* Camel interior
* Bucket Seats
* Console storage between seats
* "Gentleman Jim" decal on the rear sides of bed
* 1/2 Ton
* Sierra Classic
* AM/FM 8-track stereo
* AC
* Power brakes and steering
* Tach
* Tilt
* Sway bar
* Custom Floor mats
* 350c.i. 4bbl / Th350
* Long bed
And I believe you could also get:
* bedrail
* fog lights
* bed cover
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