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Old 09-16-2013, 10:14 PM   #2
RAT1968 '68 Cab/'71 Parts
magwakeenercew2jh's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Coarsegold, CA
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Re: What did you do to your truck today!

At the suggestion of a Forum Member, I bought this for after the paint cures:

The Ultrashield version.

Since her (wife's) car just got hit by a bunch of quarts of bad stuff when someone rolled over in front of us, and the
garage has only one good spot, RAT will have to stay outside after The Boss' car gets its $4,862 worth of paint work.

By the time her car is out of the body shop, my paint will have "gassed off".
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Coarsegold, CA
RAT's shiny now.
But always a rat.
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