Try working on 2 projects at the same time.. with very limited free time..
Originally Posted by mr48chev
You think time moves too slow? Just buy an old truck project and start working on it and the clock looks like a wall fan.
It's amazing how many old trucks of all sizes seem to have just been parked and forgotten over the years. Maybe the owner bought a newer truck and parked the old one out back thinking he would use it to haul trash off or gravel home to save the finish on the new one and pretty soon the battery is dead and the truck is forgotten. My luck has always been in finding the one with the gapping hole in the side of the block where a rod excaped or no engine because the engine was pulled and the truck ended up out in the pasture forgotten. I did buy the 48 as a running driving beater with a brushed on paint job that guys would probably go nuts over now but ten bucks at the car wash took that paint off in sheets.