72 GMC Ignition problems
Hey guys, got me a 72 3/4 ton a few days ago and im trying to start it up. For the most parts it looks like most all the wires are a mess so trying to see if the engine is good (400 big block ) if so I will probably keep it instead of parting it out.
The truck cranks over for days ( giving the starter 12v direct ) has new starter, and has good fuel pressure but it has no spark. Took the spark plug wires out to see if i can arc them and nothing, got a 12v tester in one of the spark plug wires and nothing, I am giving the distributor straight 12v from the battery but it is not distributing anything to the coils. I had another distributor cap laying around put that one on and nothing. what can be causing the problem ? ignition module ? Should i just get a new distributor cap ? HEI ignition coil ?
Break down.
Giving the starter straight 12v
Giving the distributor straight 12v
Engines cranks fine and strong
No fire just crank.
Distributor not sending any spark to the spark plugs.
Much appreciate it guys.