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Old 09-18-2013, 07:51 AM   #7
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Re: Will 58-59 double headlight fenders fit on a 57?

LOL; I was just thinking about this the other day and was wondering the vise versa. So what everyone is saying is the front clips will interchange from 55-57 to 58-59 and vise versa. The reason I was wondering is I found a 58-59 panel that I need the roof for a crew cab project Im working on and then had a brain storm. Instead of cutting two cabs up and the panel, why cant I just shorten the panel, add the rear doors and use my 55-57 front clip(I blame this building on Mr. Buggy5872).

Im suppose to take delivery of this thing next week, if your interested dkcawdrey, I could send you pictures of the fenders?
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