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Old 09-19-2013, 02:02 AM   #4
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Pincher Creek, Alberta
Posts: 9
Re: pics of hugger Jimmy

I used to walk by this Jimmy 25 yrs ago when i was in school, I tried buying it several times but owner would not sell. 4 years later i came back to town for a visit & noticed the Jimmy was gone, i stopped & asked & found it had been sold. I was really upset for not harassing the owner more (i wanted it bad because i had never seen a 4spd model before). few months after that I ran into a friend in a grocery store in nearby city & we got talking about projects we were working on. he ended up telling me about this great "find", a 1970 GMC Jimmy with a 4spd! sure enough it was the Jimmy i had been after, so knowing he was not the type to part with vehicles easily, i begged him to make sure i would always be kept on the top of the buyer list. every year afterward i have harassed him. 21 years later he came to me in the spring of 2012 & said i could buy it, no engine or rad, the original DANA 20 t-case removed & a NP205 in its place, the frame had been notched to allow for a big-block engine & the crossmember had been modified. the interior was a basket-case & the hardtop had 1" removed from the area where it mounts to windshield so it could fit better since the body mounts had been pounded out & the body had started sagging all over. the only rust was inside at the back of the box floor. it has been a long journey with this unit. i hope it will end up being worth it.
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