Thread: 84 c10 stepside
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Old 09-21-2013, 01:28 PM   #15
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Re: 84 c10 stepside

yes,it does come with the plate light hole thats one thing i forgot so i had to get the plate light after, then when i installed the pan i held it up and the light itself hit a little bit i had to do some grindin for clearence, also its much easier to slide the bed back to put the bolts in the pan i bolted the bed down tight and then put the pan on and there is not much room to get in there because the nuts n washers need to go inside the cross brace on the rear of the bed. i was able to do it but it was a pain ended up takin the light back out and getting the center bolts through the plate light hole pretty tight once you nail the bed down needed to drill the liscense plate holes too they werent right mounting the plate would have also been easier off the truck not much room to get in there once the pans installed i had put the pan on and taken it off 10x easily but to do it after the bed was nailed was a different story-jeff
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