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Old 09-21-2013, 06:17 PM   #5
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Re: Torsion lowering

Guys, I don't think re-indexing the torsion bars is going to work... 6-sided, means each hex is 60 degrees. You'll never get things working by rotating one piece or the other 60 degrees.

I lowered mine by cranking it down, and I don't have any problem with anything hitting under the truck--and I drive my truck daily.

Perhaps taller tires would be a solution for you? I've got 235/75/15 on mine.

I'm eventually going to crank them back to stock height, and put drop spindles in. I don't bottom out on the suspension often, but it does happen. Plus, the funky geometry is hard on tires.

'61 Suburban daily driver: off the road due to 180-pound 8-pt buck!
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'61 C30 Camper, aka "Valdez"

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