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Old 09-22-2013, 12:11 AM   #5
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Location: Portland, OR
Posts: 26
Re: Drifting to the right when braking

One reason that our K5's pull to the right when the brakes are applied is because of the push pull design of the steering.

It was noted in a driving review of a later model K5 on an episode of Motortrend TV.

The short drag link, connection between the steering arm and pitman arm, is influenced by the change in spring compression. As the spring is compressed the relative distance between the steering arm and pitman arm increases assuming that the drag link is level to the ground. IF the steering wheel is kept in it's centered location then the static position of the pitman arm causes the steering arm to move away, turning the wheels to the right. And you're headed for the ditch...

This might not be your problem but it is a condition that effects 4x4 truck out there with this type of steering. The softer the spring and the heavier the braking the more this issue will show itself.
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