Originally Posted by mud.man.rj
Kind of cool cases, to small for a tool box but bet they can hold a few things. What is the plan for them Mag, special tools or something.
The idea was that I set them up so I can take them in and out. But, I'll probably leave them in 90% of the time. One can easily handle a small ditty bag for bathroom-oriented stuff,
probably including a weekend "emergency kit" of duds and toiletries in case the Boss throws me out, or I find myself invited for a couple of extra days at a bro's place.
The other one will include a set of wrenches and screwdrivers, various 1/2 inch drive stuff to get the wheels off, plug wrench and an extra HDMI module, Windex and a quart of oil and a
couple of rags in a Zip Loc bag...And maybe the add of the universal tool kit; duct tape, vice-grips, and a small can of WD-40.
Also, I have one of those lever/spring dividers that fits nicely to the rear of the bags. It's kind-of a pole with rubber feet that stretch across the bed so that a cooler, chairs, etc. will stay
close to the cab instead of sliding around, while driving and bouncing around on the crappy roads around here.