Re: GMC w/ Bent Frame
Me !OO me me pick me! No,really I often times pull on the frames without the sheetmetal to get it where I think it needs to be but sometimes they can be dead on and the sheet metal just not fit until the frame is moved a little more. Now not ALL shops are computerized on their racks, A lot of the ones made for the smaller newer cars of recent times that are unibody meaning they have no frame like most would think of when you say frame. Those type of machines usally are linked to more precise measuring stuff. I can do a lot of basic pulls on a truck this type with a tram and a tape and lots of others can as well I am not alone on that. The best way to start is find a known square one and take some measurments off it and then your to see how far off you may be if you cant do that go back as far as you can to the front side of the front crossmember and the measure a big"X"going from the K-member to the front outer core support bracket then do the other side that will give you and idea how much it needs to move, keep in mind that number gets cut in half. Also I have pushed those back from the k- member to the end and using a chain to hold them together push opposite direction of the damage [kinda like the wreck in reverse]and have pushed a frame horn or pair for that matter back into position that way. Jim