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Old 09-27-2013, 11:44 PM   #18
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Re: Value of a '67 short stepside???

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
There was one just like that...color and everything...near me this summer. I've been aware of it for 25 years. It was on a back road (way back from the road) I ride where not many would see. There it was on Craigslist,but the guy wanted $3,000. Crazy high for what it was. I talked to him anyway and looked at it. I was the only response he had. It was all there and all original. I told him I wasn't trying to low-ball him or tell him what to do,but I saw no more than a $1,000 truck there. I said go ahead and try to get your $3,000,but if it didn't sell give me a call and it will be gone the next day. That's all you can do when they want too much. Well,it's gone (after about a month),so someone must have offered him more than me and more power to 'em. I wasn't going to restore it but just run it as a beater with a touch of coolification with some parts I have (8" wheels,hubcaps,4spd Sag,350 if it needed,and just patch any holes in floor).
What a small world... The person selling this truck told me he went down to Baltimore, MD to buy it! I do believe that this truck is the one you looked at! Methinks the new owner has realized he might be buried in this truck and is trying to unload it. He just bought it a week or two ago.
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