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Old 09-30-2013, 10:33 AM   #9
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Re: Lambrecht: fact or fiction?

I recorded it, and the entire I was watching it, I just kept shaking my head. It was a stroke of genius on the behalf of the seller and the auction company. They started the hype almost a year ago, and they had everybody so worked up by the time that the auction began, all sensibility went out the window. The auction company played a very smart move at the beginning to auction the big-dollar vehicles first. It served a couple of purposes. First, it set the tone for the auction. It was "blood in the water" for the already hyped-up buyers, and it also seperated the money players from the average folks like you and me. People like us knew at the time the gavel fell for the '58 Cameo that the auction was pretty much out of the reach for the average guy. If you showed up with $5,000 in your pocket, there was hardly anything for you.

What shocked me the most was the amount of money paid for low-mileage vehicles that still needed a complete restoration. Yes, a car is only original once, but the condition of some of those cars was so poor that in the end, all you have is a bit of bragging rights that you have an ultra low mileage car and not much else. Honestly, for the price of some of those cars, you could buy TWO of the same model that were perfectly restored and show ready. I think the buyers were foolish to spend that kind of money, but the frenzy was on, and nobody wanted to miss out on the action.

In the end, the seller made a ton of dough, and that's OK with me. They have the right to sell their items in any way they want, and it's the buyer's choice to buy them. The sellers played this auction perfectly. They got the maximum amount for what they had. I'm just curious what the auction company's cut was. That's a ton of work to present and sell almost 500 cars,
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