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Old 09-30-2013, 01:41 PM   #10
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Re: OK who bought trucks at the Lambrecht auction??

So if you have a Copo or Yenko Camaro, nova etc. you have a shiney nice muscle car with some cool dealer ad on's , but if you have a Lambrecht 4 door or C10 you have a __________ that you spent twice as much as a Copo or Yenko Chevrolet Dealer model.
Hmmm, which one would I rather have?
1. a running driving piece of history with xxx miles or
2. a non running , non driving, needs total restoration that I spent twice as much as option number 1, but I get to say it has 5 miles on it.

When I buy something at Cabela's and it's not on display or on the shelf and they have to get it from the back room I don't pay 4 times it's value because nobody has touched it. Mabey if they kicked it out the back door, let it rot and the assemble a bunch of idiots with large pockets to bid on the only " non shelfed Cabela's item in the world" it might bring 4 times the money?

I get ( just for a split second and the reality sets in) that a car/truck is only new once. These were not new, mabey 50 years ago but not now. They are in worse mechanical and cosmetic shape than 90% of the ones on this board , craigslist, ebay and on the road. The only thing that shows 5 miles on these things is the cluster. The bushings, rubber, weatherstrips, mechanicals, brake lines ( moisture) etc all have to be replaced. At that point all you have is an embarrassing story that you held your hand up for an instrument cluster with 5 miles on it, paid too much and now have to pay more to restore it to drive it.

I just don't get it I guess.
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