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Old 10-01-2013, 05:23 AM   #6
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Re: 67-72 GMC Grill differnce.

68-72 fenders are all the same and '67s same but no markers, correct. Hoods the same as Chevy: 67-68 slant, 69-72 blunt. Radiator supports, I think they are all the same 67-72. The grill filler panel changed with the hood, so 67-68 has a small filler riveted on top of the grill that goes under the leading edge of the hood and 70-72 has a large filler that goes in front of the leading edge of the hood. The 70-72 grill filler also blends into the eyebrow trim in the fender where the 67-68 eyebrow trim blends to a separate hood edge trim. So, if you want to lose the eyebrow trim the slant nose is easy just ditch the hood trim, the blunt noses look a little odd with out the eyebrows. Also all GMCs say GMC on the hood except the 67 that has it embossed into the grill.
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