Clean garage today-Didn't realize I had so many square parts
I have a 30x63 and a 16x32 shed and parts are everywhere between the two. My work area is a 30x24 of the big shed. I have been working on about three or four different trucks lately. I have just been setting parts where ever I could stack them. Now I barely have enough room to get a truck in there let alone try and walk around it.
So today was the start of a parts roundup mission. I designated one bay from my smaller shed to house all the parts and try to make that the only spot they go from now on. Nothing fancy just stacking stuff neatly and it is open on one side so trying to keep it where the snow and rain doesn't get to it. I started with rims and tires then fenders, hoods, fuel tanks, brackets, driveshafts, etc. I don't have a huge assortment but so far I ended up with two hoods, three sets of fenders, two seats, a couple of headliners and I still have more to move over and two more trucks to take parts off of. That doesn't include I have a small mower wagon full interior parts from ductwork to trim and wiring, screws. Good lord how do we do this to ourselves. It is an addiction or sickness one.
Day two starts tomorrow. I have to get some order in my shop area it is driving me crazy. I still need to mind an area for four engines yet. I have always been one that doesn't get rid of much because in my mind you never know when you might need it. After I get a couple of these trucks done I am going to have to scale back. Famous last words.