Originally Posted by Longhorn 70
Great looking truck. Where in AZ ? Where please did you get the A/C compressor mounts? They look a little different than what I am used to seeing.
We spend winters in Sun City West with other old retired folks.
The A/C mounting on the Vortec head engine was one of my major challenges. Originally, the 69s came with 2 different styles of compressor mounts. This one had the set you rarely see here on the forum. The main bracket had the lower mounting points under the front exhaust manifold bolts than arched up and over the front half of the valve cover and attached again under the intake bolts (different on Vortec heads). So, anytime I needed to remove the valve cover, the whole thing had to be removed 1st. A major PIA and just plain ugly! So, I converted to the style most of the Chevy trucks and cars of that era had. The problem with that was that none of the top brackets would work with a Vortec head engine. As a result, I had to fabricate the three top brackets from the front and rear of the compressor. The one at the top of the intake under the intake bolt and water neck bolt was based on the original but reconfigured for Vortec heads. The one at the front is very similar to those used on some of the passenger cars.
Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here are three of the original mounts for comparison.