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Old 10-02-2013, 02:36 PM   #7
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Re: Please help have a few questions!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by DUALLYTIME View Post
also i don't know what kind of automatic you have but you mentioned it does not want to move when you give it gas. if it has a trans with a lock up convertor the torque convertor may be staying applied which would cause this issue when putting into gear.another problem maybe the stator inside to torque converter may be staying locked up which can cause these drivabilty issues you are describing.hope this helps hard to say for sure without seeing the truck,just throwing a idea out there for ya good luck.
its not that it doesnt want to move its just ya know how ya do a brakestand, well if i brake and lightly gas it the rpms should go up and the motor should want to move the truck but it wont move bc i have the brakes on, well when she was acting silly id have a foot on the brake pedal and lightly get on the throttle and since the idle was so low it acted like it wasnt getting gas and it would sputter and die, but if i gave it a firmer push on the throttle she would get gas and run.
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