Originally Posted by hugger6933
I rebuild wrecks in Arkansas and have since 1987. The trucks here only get a reassigned VIN tag if it is a stolen recovery or something along that vein. I have built hundreds of trucks with a salvage title since my state has put into effect the salvage title law, and if it were fair I would be all for it, but that is for another post another time. I have not had a truck with a state provided vin number ever I would tend to shy away from themas the same reason as anyone else would. So I just thought I would add that little tid bit not to inflame or trying to start anything with anyone just saying what happens in my state of AR. Jim
a salvage title dont bother me at all it does not effect and vehicles ride or drive at all. it is just a piece of paper that i will put in a filing cabinet. i have owned several rigs with salvage titles. i own 3 of them now. i have not ever owned one with a reassigned vin. i have bought and sold a few but never kept one. i did not have any trouble selling them.