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Old 10-03-2013, 08:14 PM   #8
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Re: 700 r4 transmission

I did this swap in 2002 on my 350 in my '71 GMC. Super easy.

Main points you need to remember.

You want a later 700R4 - '86 or '87. Ideally, you want an early 90s (90,91,92 - I think) out of a Camaro, Trans Am. At this point, I'll assume they all need to be rebuilt.

FYI - I had my done to the fullest extent in 2002. I put 100,000 hard miles on it and thought it was baked and was going to sell it as a core. Ended up testing in another car and it worked perfect - turned out my 350 needed the rebuild...

700-R4s are mechanical. in '93 they changed to 4L60s which are the same, but electric, I think you need a module to make the shift.

Torque converters are not made equally. Research it do death, or you'll hate it.

TV cable adjustment is very important AND super easy - yet many screw it up.

Finally, don't let people tell you these transmission are not tough. They are, you just need to do it right. My shop has guys running 9s all day on 700-R4, I have put one behind a 526 cid in a 4600lb car and it does fine too.

I also reco 3:73 gears. Great fun. Great milage.

There are loads and loads of tech articles out there. Google will be your best friend.

It's a great swap. Enjoy.
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