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Old 10-06-2013, 09:03 PM   #5
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Re: Found a truck, having a tough time with the value

Originally Posted by jbarnett21 View Post
The guy inherited it through from his father in law, it's never been for sale but has never been driven either. I talked to him for sometime hoping to get a ballpark figure. He says he doesn't know what it's worth but. I was gonna throw out 5000, I think that's a fair price, the engine may or may not be work, and the rest of the drive train could be good but who knows. All I know is it's a rust free cab and it's never had any body work or paint.

He did say that for the right price he'd consider it. I'm just wondering if the family talk and Barrett Jackson has got him thinking 10,000 or more. In which my 5000 would come off as an insult.
If you think 5k is fair, you better offer $4,200-$4,500 so you have some room to come up. I'd print off some craigslist and eBay auctions that sold, of similar condition trucks that sold for about that amount and show them to the guy before making the offer
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