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Old 10-07-2013, 09:48 PM   #5
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Re: Getting ready to start a DIY backhalf job. Any tips?

A couple of other sugestions for you. I back halved my 1990 Corvette, and have a 4-Link suspension, and narrowed rear in it. The goal with that thing is to get the 33X21.5/15 Mickey Thompsons to fit in the body. Lots of fun but that is another story.

First the back halve kit you bought is a decent one. I cut all mine with a cut off wheel leaving atleast an extra 1/2 inch and coming back in and grinding it smooth after the fact. I would rather cut twice or cut once and grind to fit.

Second, if possible with your bed removed, put the frame portion in between your rails and measure where you want the thing to sit, and get it close. Box the frame infront of the area to be welded but do not weld the the plate in place on either frame rail.

Cut the outriggers so that they are way long, and prepare to grind to fit. Make sure you are measuring left to right front to back and diagonally. Grind the outriggers slowly to make the fit tight. Add rear outriggers the same way if possible, and once everything is in place so that it does not move, tack it all into place.

Box the frame on the keeper side of the frame, and make sure it is still square. Make your welds small stitch welds and watch the heat.

Once the box is in, and the subframe is welded in place, then cut the frame out of your way.

Biggest piece of advice is take your time, and measure a ton. You can do this.
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