Originally Posted by USArmyCombatMedic
Thanks for the quick reply! How would I check for a leaky injector? It seems to have a good cone spray pattern and both injectors seem pretty even. I think I will end up testing the fuel line pressure because that would rule out a failing fuel pump correct? I hear the pressure test is difficult on these trucks due to no point to connect the gauge.
Also what did you mean by float level carb'd? This truck is throttle body injected. Although if I cant figure out this stalling problem I am going to switch It to a carb to rule out fuel and air problems.
gotchya my carb statement was just if it was carbureted or not, i didn't think it was but just wanted to be thorough :-p
so yeah my first thought is to check your plugs and exhaust for raw fuel, that would be a pretty decent indication you're way rich and would re-affirm the leaking injector.
however a fuel pressure check would need to be done to affirm a lazy pump idea. but i would be the least likely to cause only idle problems..
oops also noticed, have you tested your map sensor as well?