Originally Posted by Modges'66
I am totally impressed by the bed wood!!
That Shhtuff is off-da-hook!
Looks like you dipped it in clear!
thanx!! its only 2 coats of varnish too.. i sanded after the first coat to smooth it up a little bit
Originally Posted by pimpston65
holy double take batman, ur right i really thought they were wrenches still cool design and use of steel pieces
thanx the links are made of round stock and some small inner bearing races. not sure why i wanted them to look cool since you really wont see them but o well.
Originally Posted by Sick5
Got some skill their. That's the one thing that seperates you from the rest. Keep them coming and dont forget to copy right that!
thanx man!! ya thats prolly a good idea but im about to give away my design to anyone that is interested
Originally Posted by Jmorales3181
Wow as usual outstanding man! Modges is right it does look like you dipped it in clear!!!
thanx man!!! wish i could have had you spray them for me instead of me using a brush... then it really would have came out smooth!!!
Originally Posted by jdoisher
I don't know if I've said it or not, but I love this build!!!
thanx again man!! i hope to see our trucks together at a show in texas sometime next year

and here is some updates.. i got the hinges done and mounted.. looks like its gonna work just like i wanted. hopefully by the end of the week i will have everything complete
here are the deminsions for you murph. it would be very easy to make the same thing out of some flat stock or somtihg.. i just wanted mine to look all spiffy for some reason
you can see here how it slides forward away from the front of the bed
as you can see it will let the boards move to where ever it needs to without binding up.. i can lift it to just about vertical too!!!!!
next step is to paint the hinges, link all the boards and strips together and find out how im gonna mount the gas shocks to hold it open like i did on the hood!