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Old 10-13-2013, 01:32 PM   #1
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Seat belts, reinforcement plates, door alignment shimsshims

I have a very nice set of black front seat belts for sale with the correct short retractor. I have 2 sets of door alignment shims and 2 sets of door reinforcememnt plates. I want $100 shipped for the belts, $50 shipped for the shims with the two spacers and $45 for the shims without the spacers and I'll take $40 shipped for either set of reinforcement plates. I also have some top inspection covers for the removeable roof and I'll take $25 a pair shipped.

I would do $225 shipped for everything in this add, sell the spares and come out ahead.

First to post I'll take it gets it postal MO or paypal gift or buyer pays fees.

I still have the weatherstripping for sale PM me with an offer on the weatherstripping. Sold the truck and getting rid of my stash.


Last edited by Thealien; 10-30-2013 at 05:54 PM.
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