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Old 10-14-2013, 12:32 PM   #2
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Re: Slightly Lowered Questions

Overall length of spring isn't all (or doesn't matter) as a lesser diameter spring wire with the same coil spacing would compress more under the same weight. You need to figure if it's progressive or linear. Even more helpful, is take the stock spring height and spring rate, then compare to the new one.

Personally, i just opted for the kits to lower my 66 1" in the front and i think 3" in the back, like the picture shows, but got the kits from summit which was a lot cheaper than a lot of the other vendors. (i do like and buy a lot from LMC, i just shop each part to like 5 vendors and make a spreadsheet and divide my order up. not always cheaper is better though, like some include screws in a kit for something while others charge extra, one is SS vs chrome, etc.)

Anyways, that's what i did because i didn't want to be redoing it later.
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