My first thought is to go to a floor shift, like the Hurst Indy shifter made or our trucks. I think they are around $70 from Summit. Noght and day difference. There are ways to get the old column shifts to work smooth again, I just don't remeber it I didn't like them myself.
As far as mechanical knowledge, now is a good time to learn...truck isn't moving anyways at this moment. You can pay to have some one fix the column shift, or get out there and get dirty. Not the best books, but get a Haynes or some sort of repair manual. To me the more pictures the better. Going to the floor shift means cutting a hole in the floor. A dremel tool makes it nicer, but you use other things. Measure a lot before you cut. go in small chunkcs.
If you don't feel comfortable working on them and don't want to try....then pay someone. That is sort of the way it is. In my youth I was broke and had to bubble gum and bailing wire and learn best I could to keep my wheels running. I am still a very amateur mechanic and certain things I will try, certain things I just grab the checkbook.
Oh yeah as far as the end of shift breaking off inside...You can try some needle nose to pull it out, but if you go to floor shift Don't worry about it...Itis inclosed in there so unless it busted the entire housing, I don't think anything will drop into the column.