Re: dilema
Open VCM scan, turn logging off, the CASE relearn box shouldn't be greyed out anymore, and a relearn shouldn't be an issue.
If your cammed and it can't do the relearn due to tps, you can force the TPS percentage below 20% and it should avoid TPS TOO HIGH errors causing failed relearn.
Make sure there aren't ANY store DTC, and that you arent' getting a p1336 or 1331 codes. ANY remaining random other emissions stuff causing codes will prevent a relearn also, as it will fail something on the "ready" checklist.
HP Tuners should have the capability to do CASE relearns since like 2005/6.
Engine must be WARM (over 160*-ish)
CASE Learn: To use the CASE learn function please follow these steps:
Ensure the engine is at normal operating temperature (ECT > ~65C).
Put the vehicle into park (auto) or neutral (manual).
Turn off all accessories and A/C.
Turn the vehicle off.
Apply the parking brake.
Press the brake pedal. Keep the brake pedal depressed during the entire procedure. REQUIRED for successful test completion
Start the vehicle and let it idle.
Press Begin.
Gradually rev the vehicle to fuel cutoff (around 4000-5000 RPM's) over a period of about 4 seconds. When fuel cuts out, immediately release the throttle.
Allow the engine to come back to an idle.
Turn the ignition off for at least 15 seconds. This step is required for the VCM to store the newly learned configuration.
'66 Short Step / SD Tuned / Big Cam LQ4 / Backhalfed /Built 4l80e / #REBUILDEVERYTHING 
Last edited by BR3W CITY; 10-19-2013 at 01:03 PM.