Originally Posted by JimH2828 View Post
I'm interested in the below parts pending condition and price shipped to 30005 GA.
1) complete vent window assemblies
2) complete steering column assembly
- rag joint to steering wheel nut, no steering wheel
3) complete brake booster, MC assembly
- brake peddle push rod, firewall bracket parts, Booster, check valve, MC, distro block
4) Transmission dip stick and tube - if works on TH350.
Hey Jim.
The passenger vent glass has a broken pivot. The trans dipstick is going with the transmission. Let me do some figuring on all the brake stuff & steering column, shipping will be pretty tough. I will try to have a price we can both be happy with.
Thanks, Fred.
Fred, no worries about the trans dipstick going with the trans, I understand or that you are super busy. I've updated my list below.
1) complete vent window assemblies
- can you send some pics?
- is the glass Soft-Ray? clear or tinted?
2) complete steering column assembly all brackets and bolts
- rag joint to steering wheel nut, no steering wheel
3) complete brake booster, MC assembly
- brake peddle push rod, firewall bracket parts, Booster, check valve, master cylinder, distrobution block, short brake lines
4) Kick panel vent assemblies
- pics please
5) Ignition and door locks with keys, if they are true 1970s.
- pic of the lock codes please.
1970: Lock Code Series: 0E00-9E99 & 0F00-9F99