Thread: Gas gauge blues
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Old 10-19-2013, 10:49 PM   #22
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Thumbs up Re: Gas gauge blues

Originally Posted by LostMy65 View Post
I'm currently trying to track down my fuel gauge issues.
I still have to try some of the suggestions in this thread, but I figured I should ask what might be wrong with the gauge if it reads full all time, even with ignition off.
The needle jumps ever so slightly when I turn on the ignition, but it always reads full even when the ignition is off.
Hey, LostMy65, a common cause is the wire running from the gauge to the sending unit at the tank. If it is "open"(not a good connection), the needle stays on F all the time. Temporarily remove this original wire and then run a quick/new wire from the gauge to the sender(like straight from the gauge, across back of seat, and to the sender). If the original wire was causing the problem, the gauge should now move off F and work. If it does, just carefully re-route and bury this tempo wire, making it the new, permanent one.
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