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Old 10-20-2013, 06:36 PM   #1
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Magnetic Oil Plug Question - Magnetic Mud?

Never had one. Got one now. My first one ever.

Changed the oil in John Lee.....had to beat the oil filter off with a hammer driving a screwdriver driving the filter counterclockwise since my filter strap wrench broke! But got it done.

Noted the magnetic oil plug is pickin up fines....real fine fines...looks like unmixed oil based slivers or chunks. And not much at all, just less than a drop on the magnet. Sorta like magnetic mud?

I'm usin ZDDP but never had a magnetic plug before so I don't have a clue how much goo on a plug is normal.

This was the second oil change. Motor has just under 8K miles now....had 200 on it when I picked it up (19 year sit)

So, first oil change was 2500 miles no magnetic plug.

This one was the second oil change, bout 5000 miles or so. Normal? Opinions?

Last edited by Sharps40; 10-20-2013 at 06:57 PM.
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