10-21-2013, 09:06 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Posts: 1,925
Re: 8 inch rally wheels ?
Originally Posted by luvbowties
First, welcome to the forum, and I'm loving the stance of your ride. You can trim the lip from the under/in-side of your rear fenders a little bit w/out changing the orig. well's shape at all: lie down with a lite & look upwards and feel WITH A GLOVE ON YOUR HAND to determine where you can start and where you have to end--u cannot go all the way around, but the short distance available WILL help a lot with tire clearance.
Another project you may consider is to set your differential back a tad. Looking at the difference between front wheel-well clearance to front of the tire vs. rear well-clearance to rear of the tire caught my attention, as someone pointed out on mine. I had to move my diff'l., and it was not a bad job at all. Did not even have to alter my driveshaft, as when u add to the front another, say half-inch clearance, u remove the same half-inch from the rear--kinda like the tail wagging the dog, giving you twice the overall result from half the movement! [Really makes life good!]
If u do this, whoever alters the tr. arms would be well-advised to slice them at an angle, using the traditional "Z-CUT" to provide longer/stronger re-weld seams. Made quite a noticeable difference in the from-the-side look on my ride, and I think it may do a wonderful and enjoyable improvement on yours.
Keep up the good and fun-filled work. Often there are little, inexpensive things that make huge improvements; and the rewards from 'just lookin' and thinkin' up things that help can be priceless.
Why not just add a spacer block to the rear of the crossmember, bolt it between the mounting brackets and the crossmember.....voilla the rear end is spaced back 1-1.5" depending on the thickness of the material one uses.........Kieth